Coaching & Advisory services


For more traditional style advisory appointments I am able to provide a range of holistic insights and advice to compliment the current board and C suite talent. Because I am so actively consulting on a global basis across a range of industries I bring a unique mix of real time insights.


Executives & Career

For executives, it can be lonely at the top and we often need to reignite our passion or our purpose. Juggling everything in this ever changing fast paced world also takes its toll.

After an initial consultation to see if we are the right fit for each other (an important step that you must never miss out on if you are considering hiring a coach!) we will discuss what you want to prioritise over the initial 3 month period. Some key highlights will include:

• Top challenges
• Key strengths
• Self awareness and confidence levels
• Leadership and communication style and
opportunities for development

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For Career Coaching

If you are looking to move or have been made redundant, we will work together over a 6 week period and cover the following:

• Your strengths & general self awareness
• Your passions
• Your confidence rating
• What does great look like in the next role?
• Your resume
• Your search tactics
• Interview techniques (including how to
interview them)


My style is not traditional coaching and more a mix of coaching and advising. The focus is purely on Executive support or a very specific Career program.


For executives, it can be lonely at the top and we often need to reignite our passion or our purpose. Juggling everything in this ever changing fast paced world also takes its toll.

After an initial consultation to see if we are the right fit for each other (an important step that you must never miss out on if you are considering hiring a coach!) we will discuss what you want to prioritise over the initial 3 month period. Some key highlights will include:

• Top challenges
• Key strengths
• Self awareness and confidence levels
• Leadership and communication style and
opportunities for development

Career Coaching

If you are looking to move or have been made redundant, we will work together over a 6 week period and cover the following:

• Your strengths & general self awareness
• Your passions
• Your confidence rating
• What does great look like in the next role?
• Your resume
• Your search tactics
• Interview techniques (including how to
interview them)


Executives & Career

For executives, it can be lonely at the top and we often need to reignite our passion or our purpose. Juggling everything in this ever changing fast paced world also takes its toll. After an initial consultation to see if we are the right fit for each other (an important step that you must never miss out on if you are considering hiring a coach!) we will discuss what you want to prioritise over the initial 3 month period. Some key highlights will include:

• Top challenges
• Key strengths
• Self awareness and confidence
• Leadership and communication
style and opportunities for

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For Career Coaching

If you are looking to move or have been made redundant, we will work together over a 6 week period and cover the following:

• Your strengths & general self awareness
• Your passions
• Your confidence rating
• What does great look like in the next role?
• Your resume
• Your search tactics
• Interview techniques (including how to
interview them)

For Career Coaching

If you are looking to move or have been made redundant, we will work together over a 6 week period and cover the following:

• Your strengths & general self
• Your passions
• Your confidence rating
• What does great look like in the
next role?
• Your resume
• Your search tactics
• Interview techniques (including
how to interview them)

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